
As with all types of sports even for the shooting,on a competitive or amateur level, you need passion,much effort and great sacrifices.
Compared with other sports, where direct comparisons among athletes or stopwatch sanction victories or defeats, in shooting specialties the meter that testifies to the performance result is the target.
For this reason, the target can not be a simple "piece of paper."

By producing targets since 1930 and being fans of our sport we continually use and test new materials and manufacturing techniques which can improve the quality of our products.
The use of our products in the most prestigious competitions and the preference that federations, organizers and the shooters have shown us in these long years is our greatest gratification.
sincere thanks to all

Used material: papers and cardboard papers

High quality with high thickness papers and cardboard papers are used. Selected for the characteristics of ammunition of various specialties, they are made by prestigious national and European paper mills, certified for sustainable production and reforestation.
They allow bullets holes, calibratable, free from fraying and tearing, even in case of doubled shots.
They have a matt surface, ivory, non reflex both in natural and artificial light conditions.
They provide high resolution capabilities, in combination with the inks used, allowing printing in dimensions and tolerances required by the rules, in the order of tenths of a millimeter.
They are suitable to withstand the tensile in the models for target chargers.
A surface treatment slightly improves their resistance to humidity and to light rain.

Used techniques: Print

High coverage mat inks are employed in printing, in order to remove the reflexes on printed parts and for good visibility and contrast of the figures.
Printing plants are frequently renewed and realized directly from electronic drawings, reducing the intermediate steps, potential sources of errors.
Special procedures shall be adopted on the printing presses to avoid any deformation of the boundary lines of the rings themselves.
Checks are carried out internally in the press plant, prior the use and sample checks are carried out on the targets, while printing.
The ISSF models are inspected by third parties.

Granted service

We offer a product range covering all specialties regulated by the ISSF.
All products are normally on stock, subject to prior sale, to ensure rapid order fulfillment.
We offer a service of preparing the targets packs, for competitions with air weapons.
Finally, for quantities to be agreed, special targets on customers specs are made or we offer you the possibility to customize the standard products with trademarks or advertising messages. The service includes:

  • the drawing to printing of the preliminary drafts, for approval or modification; 
  • the final printing, after approval of the drafts;
  • packaging and shipment.

Sole distributors in Italy of well-known targets
Sechs-Stern Meisterscheibe® manufactured by Eggerdruck GmbH – Austria – ISSF approved

Barbaro Bersagli sas
Via Paderno, 31/B - 24068 Seriate (BG) - P.IVA / C.F. 02915840165 - Tel. / Fax +39 35 303105